This Life Cambodia


Employer Description

Section Overview: The Research and Consultancy Section aims to translate community voices into new knowledge, which can then be used to inform good practice programming and to advocate for positive change. This Section is comprised of three programs, the Research and Program, the Capacity and Partnerships Program and the Monitoring and Evaluation Program. This Section Lead will manage the M&E program and will jointly partner with the Section Lead Capacity and Partnerships program to deliver on the Research Program. Through research, monitoring and evaluation, Research and Consultancies provides reliable evidence and data to enhance This Life Cambodia’s (TLC) community development efforts as well as to inform policy, research and programming in Cambodia. While M&E and Research are distinct programs, they intersect with all TLC sections through performing monitoring and evaluation for each TLC program. Research and Consultancies also undertakes community-based research in line with TLC’s commitment to listen to, engage with, and advocate alongside families and communities as they define and act on their own solutions.


Work Conditions

Not applicable