The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) is implementing a project entitled “Piloting Energy Efficiency and Solar Micro Grids for Cambodia's Clean Energy Future” funded by the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance - Phase 3 (CCCA-3) is a multi-donor initiative funded by the European Union, Sweden and UNDP with a comprehensive and innovative approach to address climate change in Cambodia. The overall objective of the project is to showcase the feasibility of energy efficiency and building energy management in the government buildings and pilot sustainable operation models of solar microgrid in one remote villages. The project aims also to contribute to GHG reduction while generating electricity for the needs. The project supports the implementation of Cambodia’s climate change response, contributing to a greener, low carbon, climate-resilient, equitable, sustainable and knowledge-based society and the specific objective is to contribute to the implementation of the Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-2023. It is two-year project with addressing the issue of carbon emissions from increasing energy consumption growth in Cambodia. The first project's key element in addressing the energy demand growth is through the promotion of energy efficiency and conservation in public buildings. The other component focuses on the energy access by piloting a new clean energy model through solar DC or AC microgrid for electrification in remote areas of the country.