Agence Francaise de Developpement


Employer Description

AFD has been active in the Kingdom of Cambodia for the last 27 years. The agency comprises 18 staff and reports to the regional office based in Bangkok for South-East Asia. This dynamic team handles an important project portfolio (EUR 808 M since 1993 of which EUR 668 M since 2012).

AFD supports access to essential services (water & sanitation, energy) and projects in agriculture, rural development and environment (irrigation, aquaculture, sustainable management of natural resources). Support to human capital strengthening (vocational training) and to financial systems are also key priorities.

In consistency with the Cambodian national strategy, AFD is supporting the country in its territorial, ecological and social transitions, whilst facilitating its integration inASEAN and promoting climate resilience. AFD strategy aims at promoting balanced regional development and supporting business, industry and trade, with a focus on their environmental and social consequences.


Work Conditions

Not applicable