Tender Consultancy for : Gender Consultant for Improving Gender Activities and Partner Capacity For an MAP Project KHM1066-23

with Welthungerhilfe/GAA
This job has already passed the closing date
Invitation for Bids

Announcement Description

Welthungerhilfe has been active in Cambodia since 2003, with a focus on strengthening agriculture, improving food security, and promoting human rights. Welthungerhilfe is looking for a consultant for improving gender activities and Partner Capacities for ongoing MAP Project "Strengthening multi-stakeholder partnership platforms in Cambodia to promote sustainable value chains for natural rubber" The expected duration of the consultancy is 30 working days, to be completed by 30 April 2024.

Bid Components

Tender Consultancy for : Gender Consultant for Improving Gender Activities and Partner Capacity For an MAP Project KHM1066-23

  • Career Category: Consultancy
  • Location: N/A

Location: Cambodia

Purpose and Task of the Consultancy

Tasks to be completed:

  1. The gender consultant will screen, analyze, evaluate and report the capacities of the local partners (WWF Cambodia and CAmboDHRRA) in terms of gender and diversity policies, analyze the internal capacity to integrate policies into action and identify potential gap.
  2. The consultant will analyse, evaluate and report the gender and diversity condition in the rubber production and marketing sector, specifically in the provinces of Mondulkiri, Ratanakiri, Kampong Cham and Tboung Khmum highlighting areas of criticism and divergence from the following reference treaties and policies: ( For more information please find in attachment below )
  3. The consultant would review key gender analysis tools already in use within WHH. Once the evaluations (partners and communities – point 1 and 2) have been carried out, the consultant will draw up an operational intervention plan that will be used as a guiding tool for our partners to address gender gaps in the Cambodian rubber production market.

The plan will be accompanied by a training session addressed to WWF CAMBODIA and CamboDHRRA in which will be explained: ( For more information please find in attachment below ).

3. Documents for consultation (to be shared when the consultant begins work)

  • Relevant sections of the project proposal – notably those on gender aspects of the project
  • Existing WHH Gender documents/tools
  • "Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index" (WEAI)
  • Any other documents as mentioned above.

4. Timeframe of Consultancy

NB: this is a draft timeframe and the schedule for individual tasks can be adjusted depending on discussions between WHH and the consultant. Estimated end date for completing the assignment: April 30th 2024.

Submission Requirements

Interested candidates should send their offer using e-tender system via Link . instruction are available at: Welthungerhilfe_Quick_Guide.pdf (Link) .

Proposed content of the expected offer:

  • Cover letter detailing the firm’s/individual’s suitability for the assignment and current contact information.
  • Brief technical and financial proposal, including CV(s) of key person(s) to be involved at any stage.
  • Due to the urgent need of the consultancy only short-listed consultants will be contacted.

For more information, please Email no later than February 29th , 2024.
