External Auditor

with Action for Development
This job has already passed the closing date
Invitation for Bids

BTDC-ID: 27260
Closing Date:

Bid Components

Announcement Description

Al Action for Development Organization (AFD) is a local non- governmental organization, independent organization, not affiliated to any religious, political or individual ideology and was established on 23rd of February 2004, officially registered with the Ministry of Interior (MoI) with Prakas No. 553 issued on 3rd of May 2006. AFD’s works covers some provinces include Kampong Thom, Preash Vihear and Kampong Cham with focusing area on management of natural resources, disaster risk reduction/humanitarian, social protection, women and youth leadership empowerment through strengthening capacity of the communities and vulnerable poor, young women entrepreneurs, women with disability and youth on skills and knowledge they need and coordination with relevant stakeholders (government line departments, local authorities, community and donors) to formalizing the community-based organizations (CBOs) such as community forest, community-based eco-tourism, agriculture cooperatives and groups.

AFD wishes to engage the services of a registered, independent and qualified audit firm (Certified Public Accountant/Authorized Public Accountant), preferably with relevant not for- profit sector expertise for the purpose of auditing the Financial Statements for a year 1st Jan 2023 to 31st December 2023 and the programs as stipulated in the agreement between AFD and its donors. The audit will be carried out in accordance with International Standards issued by the International Auditing Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)

Bid Components

External Auditor

  • Career Category: Accounting - Taxation / Audit
  • Location: Kampong Thom Province

Contract Length: One Month (from 15th January 2024 to 15th February 2024)

Objective of the Audit

The auditor will audit the AFD's Financial Statements/Management for the period [1st January 2023 to 31st December 2023] and to express an audit opinion according to ISA 800/805 on whether the financial report of the whole programs is in accordance with donors´ instruct for financial reporting as stipulated in the agreement including appendix between donors and AFD.

The objective of the audit is for the auditors to conduct audit reviews as follows:

  1. To determine if the AFD accounting system provides accurate and adequate details of its financial position and fiscal operations in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and the approved project budget,
  2. To review the internal control system attempts to minimize risk by identifying potential weaknesses which might enable materiality to be perpetuated,
  3. To examine, evaluates, recommendations and reports on the adequacy of internal control as a contribution to the proper, economic and effective use of resources,
  4. To help AFD to accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, controlling and good governance processes and
  5. If AFD applies modified cash basis as accounting principle, the auditor shall motivate whether the applied accounting principle is acceptable for this type of financial report.

Scope of Work

Scope of Auditor´s Works shall be included the examination and evaluation the manuals, policies, guidelines, procedures and systems which are in place to ensure that:

  1. Reliability and integrity of information;
  2. Compliance with manuals, policies, guidelines, procedures, laws and regulations;
  3. Safeguarding assets; and
  4. Effectiveness and efficiency use of resources.

Bidder Eligibility

  • AFD will do the adjudication after the proposal be submitted deadline. The selection criteria will include the following:
  • Experience of your firm in relation to the scope of audits for non-Profit organization,
  • A list of similar non-profit organization be served by your firm,
  • Your staff assignments and availability to complete the audit on a timely basis,
  • Depth of Technical Resources (CV of the assigned team leader),
  • Availability of staff to respond to questions within the scope of the engagement and the hourly charge, if any, for services outside the scope of the audit,
  • Audit firm staff stability history - what assurances can you provide regarding the assignment of your permanent personnel to the engagement,
  • Propose fee for the engagement including a schedule for additional services that may be necessary beyond the scope of the audit engagement. The proposal should indicate anticipated fees for the second and third years,
  • Detail audit plan/methodology including your approach to risk and fraud detection, of expenses of expected to be incurred, i.e. mileage, per diem, telephone, etc…,
  • Estimate number of hours to complete the audit by classification of your employees, i.e. partners, senior, junior, and Time Requirements.

Submission Requirements

Interested candidates please submit your application to AFD through email provided in the contact details.

For more information, please visit Website | Facebook or direct phone number.

The closing date for applications by December 20th , 2023 before 5:00 PM.

Please click the attachment below for more information.


Contact Details

Office Address
  • Pou Bak Ka, Damrei Choan Khla Sangkat, Stueng Saen Municipality, Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia
Contact Name
  • Action for Development