Service Provider on Video Tutorials Production

with Geres
This job has already passed the closing date
Invitation for Bids

BTDC-ID: 25855
Closing Date:

Bid Components

Announcement Description

Geres’ mission and Approach

Set up in 1976, Geres is an international development NGO which works to improve the living conditions of the poorest and tackle climate change and its impacts. As a grassroots actor, the energy transition is a major lever in all its actions. In order to drive societal change, Geres promotes the development and dissemination of innovative and local solutions, supports climate-energy policies and actions and encourages everyone to commit to Climate Solidarity by acting and supporting vulnerable populations.


The industrial sector in the Kingdom of Cambodia has shown strong growth in the past decade resulting in a steady increase of its share in total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from about 23% in 2009 to 32% in 2016. The garment industry is the industrial sector’s largest employer. In 2017,

the garment industry alone employed 847,419 workers comprising 86% of the total industrial workforce, according to the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation. Exporting factories in turn account for more than 620,000 jobs1.

The sector’s expansion is reflected in its growing energy demand, with total final consumption

increasing by about 11% between 2010 and 2015. According to the draft Energy Efficiency (EE) Policy, steep growth led to the doubling of GHG emissions from energy consumption in the sector between 2002 and 20122. Cambodia’s garment industry is, however, losing its edge compared to

countries like Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Vietnam, given its high energy costs as well as recent increase in the monthly minimum wage, lagging infrastructure, productivity, and logistics. The cost of electricity from the national grid in Cambodia is the highest in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Energy costs constitute a significant share of the total production costs, contributing 16.7%, which is also higher than neighboring countries

( For more information please find in attachment below)

Bid Components

Service Provider on Video Tutorials Production

  • Career Category: Consultancy
  • Location: Phnom Penh

Video Format

These video tutorials will be short, engaging, and easy to understand (1-3 minutes). They will use a variety of multimedia formats, such as animation, video, and infographics.

  • Lead Cambodian Presenter with Live English Subtitle,
  • Introduction on an Equipment / System inside factories
  • Reporting scene on issues and solutions for improvement at the factory
  • Conclusion

Scope of Work, requested services and deliverables

Geres is looking for one or few service provider(s) e.g., individual contractors and/or firms to deliver the following services to make five video tutorials on thermal and electrical energy issues related to technical and operational recommendations of the following work packages:

  • Work Package 1: Ventilation System
  • Work Package 2: Compressed Air System
  • Work Package 3: Lighting System
  • Work Package 4: Boiler and Steam System
  • Work Package 5: Process Motors

Scope of works:

  • Submit a storyboard, script (Khmer and English), content, review, compile feedback, which is provided by GERES for approval before filming;
  • Insert voice interpreter in the videos
  • Produce and edit Video Recording of the scenarios captured, and the footage of the recorded stories with 3 minutes max of video on each topic
  • Present the first draft video tutorials to GERES at the end of the field work and incorporation of comments;
  • Present a complete maximum 3-minute video tutorial (time can be allocated based on theme/areas) and hand over master copies to GERES.

Expected deliverables for each WP:

  • The consultant is liable for following deliverables for five video tutorials during service period:
  • Documents: Storyboard, Script (Khmer and English), Content
  • Raw Files: Pictures, Videos, Illustrations, Animations
  • Final Videos: Five Video Tutorials

The deliverables of this assignment will be decided depending on the possible correlation between the quotations and the budget allocated.


The services are expected to start from the first week of October 2023 and the assignment is to be completed no later than 31/12/2023

Bidder Eligibility

  • Requested qualifications
  • Expertise and background in video production and video editing (minimum 2 years).
  • Basic knowledge of topics related to environment, climate change, thermal and energy issues.
  • Proposal Evaluation Criteria
  • Qualification of the service provider: 30 points
  • Methodologies & approach: 20 points
  • Relevant experience: 20 points
  • Value for money: 30 points

Submission Requirements

Application (technical and financial offer)

  • Applications should be written in English and comprise both a technical and financial offer in separated files, in generally accepted electronic format.
  • The technical offer must include a tentative schedule, a short description on how the service provider(s) will undertake the activities and a CV (or list of CVs).
  • In the financial offer: costs must be spitted by Work Package.

For each Work Package, costs must be divided into two categories

  • Presenter
  • Package for video production

Applicants can submit and offer for a single WP. Multiple service providers may be selected, and WP can be contracted separately. Meaning there could possibly be one service provider for WP 1, another for WP 2 and another for WP 3 or WP4 or WP5.

However, priority will be given to the service provider offering the most comprehensive approach.

Applications will be assessed on both the technical and financial offers. Contract(s) will be awarded on the basis of best quality/price ratio.

Information can be requested to this, Email

The applications have to be submitted by e-mail by 4th of September 2023, 5:00 pm Cambodian Time to email provided in the contact details , Geres reserve the right to extend the deadline for application in case the one received do not meet technical/financial criteria.

Electronic submission should be less than 10 Mb.

Note: The possible shooting location depends on agreement with factories

  1. Phnom Penh
  2. Kampong Speu Province
  3. Banteay Meanchey Province

Interested service provider(s) need to submit:

  • CVs of relevant members (if team is needed),
  • Samples of previous works
  • A tentative timeline for the service,
  • A description of fees: mentioning the price per deliverable, inclusive of all taxes.

Contact Details

Contact Name
  • Mr. SIEP Sidet, Logistic and Procurement Officer