Job Announcement

BTDC-ID: 23322
Closing Date:
Published by :
Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations

Announcement Positions

Announcement Description

A project on “Promoting Climate-resilient Livelihoods in Rice-based Communities in the Tonle Sap Region-GCP/CMB/045/LDF” will be implemented in the five provinces around Tonle Sap Lake—Pursat, Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Siem Reap, and Kampong Thom in Cambodia from 2023 to 2027. The project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The objective of this project is: Rice based communities in the Tonle Sap region of Cambodia reduce their climate vulnerability and increase their resilience to climate change through an ecosystem-based, market-driven approach.

This five-year project will be delivered by the General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF) and the General Directorate of Local Community (GDLC) of the Ministry of Environment (MOE). Technical and operational execution will be augmented by IRRI, WCS and other partners. FAO will provide technical and administrative supports. The project will be guided by a Project Steering Committee chaired by MAFF, advised by a Technical Advisory Group, and coordinated by a Project Management Unit located in GDA of MAFF.

Announcement Positions

International Lead Technical Advisor Apply Now

  • Category: Consultancy, Advisory, Agriculture
  • Type : Job Opportunity
  • Location: Phnom Penh
  • Schedule: Full-time
  • Salary: N/A

TYPE OF CONTRACT: Individual Consultant

DURATION: 600 days covering 60 months, starting as soon as possible

DUTY STATION: Phnom Penh, Cambodia with travels to other project sites as required

Key Responsibilities:

Under the overall supervision of the GDA’s Director General and in good collaboration and coordination with the project partners (IRRI, WCS and other partners), he/she will be responsible for ensuring that the project is executed with high technical standards, including providing high level policy advice, in coordination with the international and national consultants/experts. The Lead Technical Advisor is expected to play a lead role in technical project planning and implementation of the project to ensure technical coherence between different project components. He/she will have strong technical background on mainstreaming adaptation planning in agricultural sector and sustainable value chain development.

  • Lead and supervise overall technical project planning and implementation of the project to ensure technical coherence between different project components; in accordance with the approved Project Document and the results-based Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWP/B), and in compliance with FAO procedures and GEF requirements.
  • Plan, direct, coordinate and monitor the implementation of project activities and the work of staff and consultants assigned to the project.
  • Lead monitoring of project implementation risks and work to ensure compliance with risk management strategies to meet GEF and FAO requirements for environmental and social safeguards.
  • Provide policy and technical advice to GDA and GDLC.
  • Be responsible for the coordination between GDA, GDLC, IRRI, WCS and other partner for planning, project coordination and execution.
  • Advise on the terms of reference, selection, and recruitment of national and international experts recruited by GDA and GDLC.
  • Lead preparation and submission of the project’s periodic reports (technical and financial).
  • Provide technical advice in the organization of training and meetings organized by GDA and GDLC.
  • Prepare technical reports /policy documents required by the project in a timely manner.
  • Support establishment of strong M&E system and ensure strong learning and communication within the project team and with wider stakeholders.
  • Establish working relations with appropriate national agencies and groups to ensure effective implementation of supported activities, and ensure adequate information flow, discussions and feedback among the various stakeholders of the project.
  • Represent the project in meetings and conferences relevant to the achievement of the Project’s objectives.
  • Prepare brief progress reports as foreseen by the project document and an end-of assignment report providing information relevant to the output indicators and making recommendations.
  • Carry out any other relevant duties as required in order to achieve the above tasks.
  • Advanced university degree (at least a Master Degree) in agricultural sector and/or relevant subject matters of the project with at least 10-year experience worldwide. Three years of working experience in Cambodia will be an asset.
  • At least 10 years of professional experience with strong technical background on mainstreaming adaptation planning in agricultural sector and sustainable value chain development.
  • At least 7 years of professional experience of working in the field of agricultural sector and sustainable value chain development with government agencies, NGOs and donor agencies and private sector.
  • Experience in developing strategic documents, including work-plans and action plans.
  • Strong writing skills, including experience in preparing project documents, terms of reference (ToRs), sectoral briefs, and presentations.
  • Good command in both languages- spoken and written English and Khmer (preferable).

Senior National Technical Advisor Apply Now

  • Category: Agriculture, Consultancy
  • Type : Job Opportunity
  • Location: Phnom Penh
  • Schedule: Full-time
  • Salary: N/A

Type Of Contract: Individual Consultant

Duration: 12 Months (subjective To Three- Month Probation And Renewable Annually Up To 4-5 Years)

Duty Station: Phnom Penh, Cambodia With Travels To Other Project Sites As Required

Key Responsibilities:

Under the overall supervision of the GDA’s Director General, and technical supervision and guidance of the International Lead Technical Advisor (LTA), and in close collaboration and coordination with GDLC, and partners (IRRI, WCS and other partners), the Senior National Technical Advisor will be responsible for daily supervision of the management and implementation of the project. The Senior National Technical Advisor will have strong technical background on climate change adaptation in agricultural sector, and value chain development.

  • Assist the International LTA in technical project planning and implementation of the project to ensure technical coherence between different project components; in accordance with the approved Project Document and the results-based Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWP/B), and in compliance with FAO procedures and GEF requirements.
  • Ensure the timely mobilization of all necessary government resources in all project districts in a harmonized and coordinated manner including defining the organizational and chronological aspects of project delivery.
  • Oversee the implementation and management of the project.
  • Coordinate monitoring of project implementation risks and work to ensure compliance with risk management strategies to meet GEF and FAO requirements for environmental and social safeguards.
  • Advise on any required training or capacity building required to strengthen adherence to project safeguard and risk management strategies to meet GEF and FAO requirements for environmental and social safeguards.
  • Coordinate activities with GDA, GDLC, and project partners (IRRI, WCS and other partners) at national and sub-national level.
  • Support implementation and organization of field activities (technical and administrative support).
  • Monitor project progress and report to the International LTA and the Project Director on any potential problems that could result in delays in implementation.
  • Support meetings of the PSC.
  • Support recruitment and management of required national and international consultants, including the development of the draft Terms of Reference.
  • Prepare inputs for, and support, the writing of project reports, as defined in the project document.
  • Assist in the organization of meetings, workshops, and training activities.
  • Undertake any other duties as required to ensure the successful delivery of the project outputs.
  • Advanced university degree (at least a Master degree) in agricultural sector and/or relevant subject.
  • At least 7 years of professional experience with strong technical background on mainstreaming adaptation planning in agricultural sector and sustainable value chain development.
  • At least 5 years of professional experience of working in the field of agricultural sector and sustainable value chain development with government agencies, I/NGOs, donor agencies and private sector.
  • Experience in developing strategic documents, including work-plans and action plans.
  • Strong writing skills, including experience preparing project documents, terms of reference (ToRs), sectoral briefs, and presentations.
  • Fluency in speaking and writing English and Khmer.

Climate-Smart Agriculture Specialist Apply Now

  • Category: Agriculture, Consultancy
  • Type : Job Opportunity
  • Location: Phnom Penh
  • Schedule: Full-time
  • Salary: N/A

TYPE OF CONTRACT: Individual Consultant

DURATION: 12 Months (subjective to three- month probation and renewable annually up to 4-5 years)

DUTY STATION: Phnom Penh, Cambodia with travels to other project sites as required

Key Responsibilities:

Under the overall supervision of the GDA’s Director General, and technical supervision and guidance of the International Lead Technical Advisor and Senior National Technical Advisor, and in close collaboration and coordination with project team members, GDLC, and partners (IRRI, WCS and other partners), the Climate-Smart Agriculture Specialist will take lead to undertake activities to promote and sustain climate-smart agriculture practices across project target areas. The Climate-Smart Agriculture Specialist will have strong technical background in Climate-Smart Agriculture, farming system analysis, innovative, participatory and interactive learning approach.

  • Lead the project team to undertake activities to promote and sustain climate resilient practices through Farmer Field Schools (FFS).
  • Provide capacity building to the relevant government officials on climate change adaptation and FFS approaches at all levels.
  • Develop and implement methodologies/approaches to integrate climate change adaptation best practices into the agricultural sector.
  • Collaborate and coordinate with project partners to develop criteria and procedures for community-led climate resilient investment package (CRIP).
  • Support vulnerability assessments, incorporating AEZ climate modelling for longer-term adaptation planning and linking it with development of agribusiness value chains of the selected commodities.
  • Provide technical inputs in related policy, legal and institutional frameworks to support climate- smart agriculture.
  • Work extensively towards the establishment, strengthening and management of FFS at the provincial level.
  • Develop IEC (Information, Education and Communication) materials on climate-smart agriculture in close consultation with GDA technical officers and other partners.
  • Lead participating farmers in undertaking agricultural trials, identification of climate resilient crops/varieties, cropping calendar, etc.
  • Demonstrate soil fertility management and sustainable crop production practices.
  • Support the communities and commune council to make climate change integrated development plans.
  • Documentation and dissemination of best practices for wider replication.
  • Undertake any other duties as required to ensure the successful delivery of the project outputs.
  • Advanced university degree (at least a Master Degree) in agricultural sector and/or relevant subject.
  • At least 7 years of professional experience with strong technical background in Climate-Smart Agriculture, farming system analysis, innovative, participatory and interactive learning approach.
  • At least 5 years of professional experience of working in the field of Climate-Smart Agriculture, farming system analysis, innovative, participatory and interactive learning approach with government agencies, I/NGOs, donor agencies and private sector.
  • Experience in developing strategic documents, including work-plans and action plans.
  • Professional training skills and a strong commitment to participatory processes.
  • Experience in the use of computers and office software packages for data analysis and technical reports.
  • Fluency in speaking and writing English and Khmer

Local Development Specialist Apply Now

  • Category: Consultancy, Agriculture, Agriculture - Livestock
  • Type : Job Opportunity
  • Location: Phnom Penh
  • Schedule: Full-time
  • Salary: N/A

TYPE OF CONTRACT: Individual Consultant

DURATION: 12 Months (subjective to three- month probation and renewable annually up to 4-5 years)

DUTY STATION: Phnom Penh, Cambodia with travels to other project sites as required

Key Responsibilities:

Under the overall supervision of the GDLC, and technical supervision and guidance of the International Lead Technical Advisor and Senior National Technical Advisor, and in close collaboration and coordination with project team members, GDA, and partners (IRRI, WCS and other partners), the Local Development Specialist will take lead to undertake activities to promote community-led climate resilient initiatives. The Local Development Specialist will have strong technical background in local livelihood development, participatory planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of community-based climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.

  • Facilitate and organize consultative meetings with communities to inform them about the project.
  • Support free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) processes with target beneficiary communities as required.
  • Take lead in mobilizing communities to participate in planning, monitoring and evaluation of the proposed activities/intervention.
  • Lead collaboration and coordination with project partners to develop criteria and procedures for community-led climate resilient investment package (CRIP).
  • Facilitate consultations with communities to identify priority community-led climate resilient actions.
  • Coordinate and collaborate with GDA, GDLC and project partners to provide capacity development to communities to develop proposal for CRIPs.
  • Facilitate consultations and negotiations with communities on the cost sharing (cash/kind/labour) as well as roles and responsibilities in implementing the CRIPs.
  • Facilitate and support the integration of CRIPs into commune investment programs.
  • Support GDA and GDLC to select, fund and implement CRIPs and monitor the implementation of the CRIPS.
  • Mediate for the dispute resolution among the community as well as between the community and the contractor during the implementation of CRIPs.
  • Support community protected areas (CPAs) to identify alternative livelihood options and support GDLC to oversee the implementation of climate resilient livelihood enhancement program within CPAs.
  • Documentation and dissemination of best practices for wider replication.
  • Undertake any other duties as required to ensure the successful delivery of the project outputs.
  • Advanced university degree (at least a Master Degree) in agricultural sector, Livelihoods and/or relevant subject.
  • At least 7 years of professional experience with strong technical background in local livelihood development, participatory planning and financial management, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of community-based climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.
  • At least 5 years of professional experience of working in the field of local livelihood development, participatory planning and financial managrment, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of community-based climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction with government agencies, I/NGOs, donor agencies and private sector.
  • Fluency in speaking and writing English and Khmer

Agricultural Value Chain Specialist Apply Now

  • Category: Agriculture, Consultancy
  • Type : Job Opportunity
  • Location: Phnom Penh
  • Schedule: Full-time
  • Salary: N/A

TYPE OF CONTRACT: Individual Consultant

DURATION: 12 Months (subjective to three- month probation and renewable annually up to 4-5 years)

DUTY STATION: Phnom Penh, Cambodia with travels to other project sites as required

Key Responsibilities:

Under the overall supervision of the GDA’s Director General, and technical supervision and guidance of the International Lead Technical Advisor and Senior National Technical Advisor, and in close collaboration and coordination with project team members, GDLC, and partners (IRRI, WCS and other partners), the Agricultural Value Chain Specialist will take lead to undertake activities to scale up adaptation technologies and practices in selected value chains through partnerships, markets, and investments. Agricultural Value Chain Specialist will have strong technical background in value chain development and demand driven climate resilient practices.

  • Analyze local and regional value chains, trade and markets linked to rice production landscapes and other key commodity value chains relevant to the target project areas.
  • Identify successful examples of and lessons learned from value chain development exercises in the target areas based on improving product quality and developing networks of value chain actors.
  • Identify financial mechanisms to provide incentives for strengthening climate resilient rice landscapes and value chains.
  • Assess existing public and private sector systems for extension and farmer support in the project areas, including their technical content, coverage and effectiveness, specifically the degree to which they address considerations of environmental sustainability and the integrated management of farming systems.
  • Assess climate-vulnerability of relevant value chain(s).
  • Assess needs for value chain infrastructure to increase agriculture and rice sector resilience in project target areas.
  • Identify and implement measures in order to enable farmers to manage their farming systems sustainably and generate global environmental benefits.
  • Support collaboration and coordination with project partners to develop criteria and procedures for community-led climate resilient investment package (CRIP).
  • Support consultations with communities to identify priority community-led climate resilient actions.
  • Support coordination and collaboration with GDA, GDLC and project partners to provide capacity development to communities to develop proposal for CRIPs.
  • Facilitate and scale-up contract farming to better link smallholder farmers in target project areas to local and global value chains and markets for sustainable rice and other products relevant to the target project areas.
  • Identify and implement measures to promote/support enhanced capacity of Agricultural Cooperatives (ACs).
  • Undertake any other duties as required to ensure the successful delivery of the project outputs.
  • Advanced university degree (at least a Master Degree) in Agribusiness Development, and/or relevant subject.
  • At least 7 years of professional experience with strong technical background in value chain development and demand driven climate resilient practices.
  • At least 5 years of professional experience of working in the field of value chain development and demand driven climate resilient practices with government agencies, NGOs and donor agencies and private sector.
  • Experiences that demonstrate creativeness, innovativeness and entrepreneurial skills.
  • Knowledge and experience in building capacity of stakeholders through advisory skills and facilitate multi-stakeholder consultation processes, value chain upgrading workshops and training.
  • Fluency in speaking and writing English and Khmer

M&E and Knowledge-Management Specialist Apply Now

  • Category: Monitoring & Evaluation, Consultancy, Agriculture
  • Type : Job Opportunity
  • Location: Phnom Penh
  • Schedule: Full-time
  • Salary: N/A

TYPE OF CONTRACT: Individual Consultant

DURATION: 12 Months (subjective to three- month probation and renewable annually up to 4-5 years)

DUTY STATION: Phnom Penh, Cambodia with travels to other project sites as required

Key Responsibilities:

Under overall supervision of the GDA’s Director General, and technical supervision and guidance of the International Lead Technical Advisor and Senior National Technical Advisor, and in close collaboration and coordination with project team members, GDLC, and partners (IRRI, WCS and other partners), he/she will be responsible for the implementation of the Monitoring and Evaluation of the project. The primary responsibility of this position will be for Output 4.1 but will also play a role in all other project Outputs.

  • Provide technical guidance and advice to the project team relating to Monitoring and Evaluation.
  • Develop the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEAL) plan for the project, including review and follow up of the project indicators, and relevant reporting.
  • Guide the operational partners in the implementation of the MEAL plan.
  • Support the establishment of the project baseline, and coordinate the baseline survey work plan and team;
  • Advise on the use of theory of change for project monitoring and evaluation.
  • Organize and contribute to meetings and workshops related to the MEAL plan establishment and implementation.
  • Contribute to regular reports and evaluations as required.
  • Support monitoring of project implementation risks and work to ensure compliance with risk management strategies to meet GEF and FAO requirements for environmental and social safeguards.
  • Advise on training to national project staff and counterparts in project M&E.
  • Develop/consolidate good practice and lessons learned for dissemination.
  • Contribute to evaluations and other project M&E activities as required.
  • Lead the development of the project’s communication strategy and ensure capturing of project achievements and lessons learned.
  • Undertake any other duties as required to ensure the successful delivery of the project outputs.
  • Advanced university degree (at least a Master Degree) in Forestry, Rural Development, Sustainable Development, Agriculture, or a related subject.
  • Minimum of 7 years of progressively responsible experience in M&E.
  • Prior experience in designing tools and strategies for data collection, analysis and production of reports. 
  • At least 5 years of professional experience of working in the field of M&E or project management with government agencies, NGOs and donor agencies and private sector.
  • Demonstrated experience in project planning, monitoring and evaluation working with international organizations is highly desirable. Knowledge and experience in building capacity of stakeholders through advisory skills and facilitate multi-stakeholder consultation processes, value chain upgrading workshops and training.
  • Fluency in speaking and writing English and Khmer

Gender Specialist Apply Now

  • Category: Social Work, Consultancy, Community Development, Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Type : Job Opportunity
  • Location: Phnom Penh
  • Schedule: Full-time
  • Salary: N/A

TYPE OF CONTRACT: Individual Consultant

DURATION: 12 Months (subjective to three- month probation and renewable annually up to 4-5 years)

DUTY STATION: Phnom Penh, Cambodia with travels to other project sites as required

Key Responsibilities:

Under the overall supervision of the GDA’s Director General, and technical supervision and guidance of the International Lead Technical Advisor and Senior National Technical Advisor, and in close collaboration and coordination with project team members, GDLC, and partners (IRRI, WCS and other partners), he/she will be responsible for the implementation of the gender and livelihoods elements of the project. The primary role for this TOR will be for Output 4.3, and its implementation across all the other Outputs.

  • Lead the development and implementation of the project gender strategy with active and meaningful participation of relevant stakeholders.
  • Integrate the project gender strategy with other components.
  • Support consultative meetings with communities to inform them about the project.
  • Support free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) processes with target beneficiary communities as required.
  • Guide the operational partners in the implementation of the project gender strategy.
  • Advise other component teams on gender and livelihood issues relating to project implementation.
  • Support collaborate and coordination with project partners to develop criteria and procedures for community-led climate resilient investment package (CRIP) with a particular focus on the needs and requirements from a gender perspective.
  • Support consultations with communities to identify priority community-led climate resilient actions.
  • Support coordination and collaboration with GDA, GDLC and project partners to provide capacity development to communities to develop proposal for CRIPs.
  • Provide technical advice on gender, agriculture-based livelihoods, and livelihoods in community protected areas in the context of climate change.
  • Organize and contribute to meetings and workshops related to gender and livelihoods.
  • Develop good practice and lessons learned for dissemination related to gender equality and women’s empowerment in agriculture and community protected areas.
  • Undertake any other duties as required to ensure the successful delivery of the project outputs.
  • University degree or higher degree in social sciences, gender studies or related degree.
  • Minimum of 7 years of extensive professional hands-on work experience on gender related issues, and the local representing and asset.
  • Understanding of Gender policies in Cambodia, and Cambodia’s Social Accountability Framework.
  • Experience in addressing gender related issues through supporting female entrepreneurship.
  • Proven track-record in local governance and capacity building.
  • Experience in supporting the implementation of development projects, is an asset and experience in working with teams on multi-disciplinary analytical work and similar assignment conduct by NGO and DPs.
  • Professional experience in designing training workshops.
  • Fluency in speaking and writing English and Khmer.

Communication Specialist Apply Now

  • Category: Communications, Consultancy
  • Type : Job Opportunity
  • Location: Phnom Penh
  • Schedule: Full-time
  • Salary: N/A

TYPE OF CONTRACT: Individual Consultant

DURATION: 12 Months (subjective to three- month probation and renewable annually up to 4-5 years)

DUTY STATION: Phnom Penh, Cambodia with travels to other project sites as required

Key Responsibilities:

Under the overall supervision of the GDA’s Director General, and technical supervision and guidance of the International Lead Technical Advisor and Senior National Technical Advisor, and in close collaboration and coordination with project team members, GDLC, and partners (IRRI, WCS and other partners), he/she will be responsible for the development and implementation of the communication strategy and actions within the project. The primary role for this TOR will be for Output 4.3, and its implementation across all other Outputs.

  • Develop and implement communication strategy and plans.
  • Assist in organizing events such as meetings, workshops, expos, signing ceremonies, press conferences and other events that will profile project.
  • Write and edit communications materials including media advisories, event articles, newsletters, success stories, website content, presentations, talking points etc.
  • Work with the relevant staff of the project, GDA, GDLC and project partners to produce communication materials and ensure those materials are distributed to communities, government authorities, and other stakeholders so that they are aware and understand the project, its major results, and lessons learned.
  • Work with the project staff responsible for the various project outputs to effectively communicate the project and its accomplishments to the public.
  • Liaise as required with local printing, production companies, TV and radio stations to produce and disseminate project information products.
  • Use media tools such as camera and video to take photos and videos to document the work of the project.
  • Engage in regular communication with project stakeholders and audiences for the project’s work in a professional manner.
  • Undertake any other duties as required to ensure the successful delivery of the project outputs.
  • At least Bachelor Degree in Communications, Mass media communication or a closely related discipline.
  • At least 7 years of relevant experience in knowledge management and communications in the field of development projects, forest or natural resource management.
  • Proven capacity to develop quality knowledge products/analysis on natural resources management or environmental issues both in Khmer and English.
  • Experience working with ACs and on Gender issues.
  • Experience in developing and managing websites to optimize user friendliness, and ability to manage social media in promoting/raising visibility of the project.
  • Proven ability in design, innovation, and creativeness in producing knowledge and communication products.
  • Fluency in speaking and writing English and Khmer.

Operations Specialist Apply Now

  • Category: Operations Management, Consultancy, Banking / Finance, Accounting
  • Type : Job Opportunity
  • Location: Phnom Penh
  • Schedule: Full-time
  • Salary: N/A

TYPE OF CONTRACT: Individual Consultant

DURATION: 12 Months (subjective to three- month probation and renewable annually up to 4-5 years)

DUTY STATION: Phnom Penh, Cambodia with travels to other project sites as required

Key Responsibilities:

Under the overall supervision of the GDA’s Director General, and technical supervision and guidance of International Lead Technical Advisor and Senior National Advisor, and in close collaboration with project team members and government counterparts, he/she will be responsible for providing capacity development support to the Operational Partners (OPs) and support /monitoring in the implementation of OPs Risk Mitigation Plan.

  • Leading the preparation of Requests for Funds and Financial Reports are in line with the approved AWP/Bs, the project’s Results Framework, and the conditions of the signed OPAs for eligibility of expenditures.
  • Coordinating the financial management, contracting, and day-to-day operations of the project activities.
  • Assisting the PMU with consolidated monitoring of the project’s progress and associated clearances of progress reports.
  • Supporting the project’s BH and OED as they respectively carry out the project midterm and final evaluations, including contacts with the OPs, logistics, travel, and other administrative matters.
  • Issuing the vacancy announcements, supporting the selection processes, and processing the contracts, payments, and payroll for consultants.
  • Processing purchases, contracts, and other necessary inputs according to the approved AWP/B.
  • Providing necessary supports to FAO in monitoring and ensuring implementation of the agreed risk-mitigation and assurance plans, which include spot checks and audits.
  • Ensuring filing of supporting documentation for each financial transaction and provide such documentation for audits and review missions.
  • Undertake any other duties as required to ensure the successful delivery of the project outputs.
  • Advanced university degree (at least a Master Degree) in management, finance and accounting, business administration and/or relevant subject.
  • At least 7 years of professional experience with strong technical background project management.
  • At least 5 years of professional experience of working in the field of project management with government agencies, I/NGOs and donor agencies and private sector.
  • Professional training skills and a strong commitment to participatory processes.
  • Experience in the use of computers and office software packages for data analysis and technical reports.
  • Strong writing skills, including experience finance, procurement, administration and logistic arrangement.
  • Fluency in spoken and written English and Khmer.

Project Support Officer Apply Now

  • Category: Banking / Finance, Consultancy
  • Type : Job Opportunity
  • Location: N/A
  • Schedule: Full-time
  • Salary: N/A

TYPE OF CONTRACT: Individual Consultant

DURATION: 12 Months (subjective to three- month probation and renewable annually up to 4-5 years)

DUTY STATION: Phnom Penh, Cambodia with travels to other project sites as required

Key Responsibilities:

Under the direct supervision of the GDA and GDLC, and in close collaboration and coordination with project team members, and partners (IRRI, WCS and other partners), he/she will be responsible for providing operation, administrative and financial supports to the project.

  • Provide day-to-day administrative, financial and operational support to the project implementation.
  • Assist in preparing six-monthly request for funds in line with the approved AWP/Bs and the Project Results Framework and financial reports for submission to FAO.
  • Review cash advance requests, cash advance clearances, and process payment requests for the project.
  • Arrange travel for project staff and meeting participants and monitor submission of mission travel claims.
  • Arrange hotel accommodations and flight bookings for visitors and consultants.
  • Check invoices, payment records and proof of expenses.
  • Maintain electronic and physical filing system and ensure filing of documents and correspondence.
  • Ensure effective management of financial and administrative aspects to meet the requirement of the annual audit.
  • Maintain records of supporting documents for each financial transaction to be made available to Resource Partners’ verifications missions.
  • Maintain project accounts and reconcile the bank account monthly.
  • Advanced university degree (at least a Bachelor Degree) in public financial management and accounting and/or relevant subject At least 7 years of professional experience with strong technical background project management;
  • At least 3 years of professional experience in strong technical background in management of project accounts;
  • Professional training skills and a strong commitment to participatory processes;
  • Strong writing skills, including experience finance, procurement, administration and logistic arrangement
  • Strong skill in the use of accounting software (Sage 50 program strongly preferred)
  • Ability and willingness to travel to and work in remote areas.
  • Fluency in speaking and writing English and Khmer.

How to Apply

The consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant Selection (ICS) method set out with the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC)’s Updated Standard Operating procedures (SOP) and Procurement Manual for externally financed project/programs (PM), promulgated through Sub-decree 181, dated December 2019.

In submitting their expressions of interest/application, the interested candidates are kindly requested to provide their updated curriculum vitae, indicating their personal and technical skills, academic qualifications, and experience in similar assignments, along with the contact details of at least three referees with contact information (email address, telephone or fax numbers).

Expression of Interest/application must be submitted to the address below by email or hard copy to email provided in the contact details.

Only short-listed candidates will be notified for interview. Incomplete applications will not be considered and application received after the closing date will not be accepted.

There is no fee charge at any stage of the recruitment process.


Contact Details

Office Address
  •  Address - No. 54B/49F, Street 395-656, Sangkat Tuek L'ak Ti Bei, Khan Tuol Kouk, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Contact Name
  •  Mrs. Tean Somaline, Accounting and Finance Officer of GDA