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Agricultural Cooperative Facilitator

with Facilitation Association of Economy for Cooperatives

BTDC-ID: 2286

Closing Date:

Announcement Description

FAEC is a national farmer organization and an umbrella organization of the Farmer Organizations (FOs), including Agriculture Cooperatives (ACs), Farmer Associations (FAs) and Unions of ACs that FAEC is formally registered in Cambodia in accordance with the Law of Association and Non-Governmental Organization. FAEC desires to encourage and strengthen the farmer organizations to work well with rights and good governance for their members' food security, safety and prosperity. FAEC is now working with 77 FOs in 12 provinces. FAEC is implementing a project of Poverty Reduction and Smallholder Development (PRASD) in 3-targeted areas of Battambang, Kampong Thom, and Svay Rieng provinces under the financial support from IFAD/AgriCord through AFDI. FAEC is seeking the qualified employee for a position of Agriculture Cooperative Facilitator (ACF) base in Battambang province with frequency traveling to the provinces/ capital and outside the country.

Announcement Positions

Agricultural Cooperative Facilitator (ACF)

  • Category: Economics, Agriculture - Agronomy, Rural development
  • Type : Job Opportunity
  • Location: Battambang Province
  • Schedule: Full-time
  • Salary: N/A

Period: 8 months (can be continued)

Line report: Project Coordinator/Executive Director

Starting: February 2020

S/he is expected to be present in the province on working days unless absent for a valid reason connected with the assignment. S/he will report to the Project Coordinator (PC) and Executive Director (ED) and will be responsible for organizing and supervising his/her work plans for FOs in the project province related to technical issues. S/he will liaise with FOs’ committees in each province, PC, and ED to ensure that the project activities are complimentary and there is no duplication of effort. The ACF will be implemented additional works according to the requirement proposed by ED.


How to Apply

The interested candidates should submit cover letter and CV via the email provide in the contact detail before the closing date.


Contact Details

Contact Name
  •  Facilitation Association of Economy for Cooperatives