School Principal, Kindergarten Program Coordinator, និង អ្នកផ្តល់ព័ត៌មាន និងចុះឈ្មោះចូលរៀន

with Willkids International School
This job has already passed the closing date
Job Announcement

BTDC-ID: 24395
Closing Date:

Announcement Positions

Announcement Description

Willkids International School is committed to become one of leading schools in Cambodia. WIS is the value-based school that offers full and half day program of regular Khmer General Education integrated with English program and other signature programs like STEAM and Life Skill Education. Willkids International School also provides full time and part time General English Program (GEP) from Kindergarten to Advanced level by adapting to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and Global Scale of English (GSE) based curriculum and the certificate is recognized by Cambridge Assessment English.

Announcement Positions

School Principal

Expectations - Duties, Responsibilities
  • Respecting and abiding by the school’s vision, mission, goals and all management policies, guidelines, and quality management system;
  • Acting as the chief spokesperson of the academic programs, administration, accounting and finance, marketing, human resource and has the responsibility for defining vision, mission, and goals; for setting budget priorities, for recommending the addition and deletion of the academic programs and services of the school; for providing an example leadership, and for creating a good public understanding and image of the school.
  • Initiating, organizing, and leading, monitoring and evaluating the business operations of school related to academic programs, administration, accounting and finance, marketing, and human resource;
  • Providing quality excellences of WIS’ academic programs to students through appropriate researching and training activities with the budget allowance;
  • Leading vice principals, coordinators, operation staff, and teachers to do business analysis, and preparing and submitting develop and operational plans, educational policies, to Chief Operation Officer (COO);
  • Proposing to Chief Operation Officer (COO) any national and international affiliations;
  • Providing an example educational leadership to all employees in the school;
  • Preparing all functional policies, regulations, and principles;
Requirements - Skills, Qualifications, Experience
  • Good understanding of vision, mission, goals, policies, and other regulations of Ministry of Education Youth and Sport and other relevant institutions;
  • Master of Business Administration, or Educational Management;
  • Good English proficiency, proven by IELTS Test is preferable
  • Strong organizational, communication, report writing, decision-making, conflict solving and facilitating skills, and good interpersonal skills;
  • Good knowledge of academic programs, administration functions, marketing, accounting and finance, and human resource management;
  • Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, with attention to details, timelines, the school-wide context for decisions, and legal implications;
  • Demonstrate ability to work independently, trustworthily, and collaboratively;
  • Strong commitment to diversity;
  • High level of diplomacy and confidentiality required;
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in the educational management;

Kindergarten Program Coordinator

Expectations - Duties, Responsibilities
  • Respecting and abiding by the school’s vision, mission, goals and all management policies, guidelines, and quality management system;
  • Coordinate with school principal in curriculum design, assessment and instructional planning in English program;
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the curriculum in meeting student’s needs, including the balance of time spent on the subject areas and outcomes for students;
  • Provide direction and educational leadership and support to head teachers and teachers effectively and timely;
  • Take an active part in monitoring teaching and learning throughout the school through lesson observations, work scrutiny and learning walks;
  • Play a full part in implementing the school improvement plans;
  • Recruit the qualified teaching staff in English Program as required;
  • Take a lead in meetings with all teachers by working closely with head teachers;
  • In conjunction with the line manager, ensure learner feedback is obtained and used to improve learning and teaching;
  • Ensure that all professional learning community are functioning well by working collaboratively with all relevant staff.
  • Coordinate with line manager to ensure that individual teaching staff and teams are supported to maximize their effectiveness through continuing professional development arising from highly effective appraisal processes;
  • Plan and ensure all teaching and learning resources to meet the needs of teachers and students.
  • Ensure all assessments both Assessment of Learning (AoL) and Assessment for Learning (AfL) are planned and done effectively according to WIS guidance and policy;
  • Coordinate with team to use assessment data to raise standards and achievement;
  • Take a lead and attend regular meetings, workshops and professional developments as required;
  • Report regularly in teaching and learning meetings and the governing body on progress;
  • Ensure good teaching practice and professional pathways;
  • Develop and implement quality assurance by employing efficient and effective supervisory plan;
  • Provide a positive climate where we have high expectations and build relationships with students;
Requirements - Skills, Qualifications, Experience
  • Bachelor degree, major in teaching is preferable;
  • Good English proficiency, proven by IELTS Test is preferable
  • Strong organizational, communication, report writing, decision-making, conflict solving and facilitating skills, and good interpersonal skills;
  • Good knowledge of curriculum development, teaching methodology, assessment and human resource management;
  • Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, with attention to details, timelines, the school-wide context for decisions, and legal implications;
  • Demonstrate ability to work independently, trustworthily, and collaboratively;
  • Strong commitment to diversity;
  • High level of diplomacy and confidentiality required;
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in teaching and the educational management.

អ្នកផ្តល់ព័ត៌មាន និងចុះឈ្មោះចូលរៀន

Position Summary


អ្នក​ផ្តល់ព័ត៌មាន​ និង​ចុះឈ្មោះ​ចូលរៀន​គឺជា​អ្នក​ផ្តល់បដិសណ្ឋារកិច្ច​យ៉ាង​កក់​ក្តៅ​ដល់​សិស្សានុសិស្ស​ បុគ្គលិក​ អ្នក​អាណាព្យាបាល​សិស្ស​ និង​ភ្ញៀវ​។ អ្នក​ផ្តល់ព័ត៌មាន​ និង​ចុះឈ្មោះ​ចូលរៀន​ជា​អ្នក​ផ្តល់ការ​គាំទ្រ​កិច្ចការ​រដ្ឋបាល​និង​គណនេយ្យ​របស់​សាលា​


Expectations - Duties, Responsibilities
  • ប្រកាន់ខ្ជាប់នូវគុណតម្លៃរបស់សាលាវីលឃីតអន្តរជាតិ
  • ទទួលបដិសណ្ឋារកិច្ចសិស្សានុសិស្ស បុគ្គលិក អ្នកអាណាព្យាបាលសិស្ស និងភ្ញៀវដោយការគោរព និងប្រកបដោយវិជ្ជាជីវៈ
  • ទទួលទូរស័ព្ធ និងហៅទូរស័ព្ធចេញដោយកាយវិការ និងឥរិយាបថសមរម្យប្រកបដោយសេចក្តីសោមនស្ស និងផ្តល់ព័ត៌មានដោយទំនុកចិត្ត
  • សម្របសម្រួលកាលវិភាគនៃការណាត់ជួបរវាងគណៈនាយក បុគ្គលិក និងអតិថិ​ ជន​ឬភ្ញៀវ
  • យល់ដឹងច្បាស់ពីកម្មវិធីសិក្សា សកម្មភាព និងព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ផេ្សងៗរបស់សាលា
  • ទទួលចំណូលពីការចុះឈ្មោះចូលរៀនរបស់សិស្ស អ្នកអាណាព្យាបាល និងពីការលក់សម្ភារៈផេ្សងៗ
  • ពិនិត្យការចំណាយចំពោះសាច់ប្រាក់តិចតួច(Petty Cash) របស់ប្រតិបត្តិការសាលា
  • ​ពិនិត្យ និងជូនដំណឹងស្តីពីការទូទាត់ផ្សេងៗនៅក្នុងសាលា
  • ថែរក្សាប្រអប់បាត់បង់ និងរកឃើញនៅក្នុងសាលា
  • ធ្វើរបាយការណ៍ចំណូល និងចំណាយប្រចាំថ្ងៃ សប្តាហ៍ ខែ និងឆ្នាំ
Requirements - Skills, Qualifications, Experience
  • សិស្សនិសិត្សកំពុងសិក្សា ឬបានបញ្ចប់ការសិក្សាផ្នែកគណនេយ្យ
  • មានបទពិសោធន៍ការងារយ៉ាងហោចណាស់១ឆ្នាំ
  • មានបុគ្គលិកលក្ខណៈសុភាពរាបសារ និងរុះរាយរាក់ទាក់
  • មានចំណេះដឹងល្អក្នុងការទំនាក់ទំនង និងសីលធម៌ក្នុងការប្រាស្រ័យទាក់ទង និងការដោះស្រាយបញ្ហា
  • មានការប្តេជ្ញាចិត្តខ្ពស់ និងស្រលាញ់ការងារជាក្រុម
  • មានភាពអត់ធ្មត់ និងសមត្ថភាពក្នុងការចាត់ចែងគម្រោងការងារចំពោះមុខ។

How to Apply

Interesting candidates please send the resume with cover letter to email provided in the contact details.


Contact Details

Contact Name
  • Willkids International School