The Agroecological and Safe food System Transitions (ASSET) project aims to promote Agroecology in Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos). It involves a consortium of 23 International/European/National Institutions and Organizations and 2 United Nations Agencies. It aims to foster technical, organizational and institutional innovations at territorial level in “flagship” programs in order to support policy making initiatives. In Cambodia, the flagship activities are being developed in the communes of Rovieng district, Preah Vear province. A range of trials and demonstrations as action research are being implemented to develop improved system and practices based on agroecology for lowland rice, cassava, cashew nut, improved pasture and cover crop seed production.
This work/internship aims to map the stakeholders relevant for production and development of rice production at provincial level, characterize them and identify their relationships.
Term & location:
The duty station is based in Phnom Penh with frequently traveling to Preah Vihear province.
Supervision / Report to
The work will be co-supervised by Dr Raphaëlle Ducrot (agro-geography and water resources, CIRAD), visiting scientist at RUA and Isabelle Vagneron (agro-economist, CIRAD)
Interested candidates are invited to submit cover letter and current curriculum vitae in English to Mr. KONG Rada via 077909082 (telegram) or email provided in the contact details.
Deadline: it is opened till the intern or the research assistant is selected.