Foundation for International Development/Relief (FIDR), a Japanese non-governmental humanitarian organization working for social development of Cambodia since 1992, announces a vacant position working for the Kampong Leng Livelihood Improvement Project based in Kampong Chhnang province. Only Cambodian nationals may apply for this position.
Project Summary Information
Furikake is a dry Japanese seasoning sprinkled over cooked rice. It typically consists of mixed variety such as dried fish, vegetables, egg, sesame, seaweed and other ingredients such as salt, sugar, soy sauce. Furikake is good for health as it is high in many nutrients including high calcium and protein that can address calcium deficiency and malnutrition especially in children.
KLIP aims at improving community livelihood in Kampong Leng district. Furikake is a key product to improve people’s health by eating and contribute to their additional incomes by selling. In collaboration with Japanese companies and local authorities, FIDR has been encouraging local people to produce Furikake using local ingredients such as river fishes and also trying to expand market opportunities for the future.
In March 2025, a new challenging event “Furikake Competition” in Kampong Leng district will be held for the first time. Competing tastes of their original Furikake cooked by local producers, one champion Furikake will be selected as the representative in the district and supposed to be sold widely in Kampong Chhnang province. For this event management and sales marketing after this event, one temporary position is recruited as below
Term of Contract: Fixed Duration Service contract (Full-time or part-time is TBC according to the availability)
Base Location: Kampong Chhnang city and Kampong Leng district, Kampong Chhnang province
Contract period: February - April 2025 (3 months) *Could be adjusted flexibly
Total contract fee: USD 1,300 for 3-month full-time
(Part-time will be paid differently by pro-rate based on actual working days)
Interviews may happen earlier than this date when we have suitable candidates.
Please submit your documents as below;
CV with a cover letter, a recent head shot, and three professional references (References from your most recent employment are appreciated)to FIDR Field Office in Kampong Chhnang province or email provided in the contact details.