Aide et Action (AEA) is an international solidarity organization for development, created in 1981, which mission is to ensure access to quality education for the most vulnerable and marginalised populations, especially children, so they can take charge of their own development and contribute to a more peaceful and sustainable world. AEA is present in 19 countries in Africa, Asia and Europe through 85 projects, reaching over 2.9 million vulnerable and marginalised children and adults in 2020.
Under its strategic plan 2020–2024, AEA focuses on three program priorities:
Project summary
Part of its first program priority, AEA has been implementing a regional initiative in Southeast Asia, called “Promoting Quality and Inclusive Early Childhood Care, Education (ECCE) and Parenting in Cambodia and Vietnam”, since 2019. The project, which overall objective was to ensure that, by 2021, children aged three to eight years in the target areas of Vietnam and Cambodia maximise their socio-emotional development and successfully transition through the first years of primary school, was implemented through two phases, a one-year pilot phase in 2019, followed by a one-year-and-a-half phase, extended for six plus four months in a global pandemic context. The project was implemented in Lai Chau province in Vietnam, and Kep and Kandal provinces in Cambodia.
Project "Promoting Quality and Inclusive Early Childhood Care, Education (ECCE) and Parenting in Cambodia and Vietnam" in the context of Covid-19
The case-study will focus on two communes targeted by the project, one in Vietnam and one in Cambodia.
The process of developing this case-study will be led by the consultant/s with advisory support from the ECCE Project Manager, Porticus Grant Manager and technical support from the country teams.
The case-study will be developed following 5 identified stages; (i) analysing the key project documents; (ii) visiting the target communes and interviewing project stakeholders to assess the impacts of and good practices in response to Covid and determine recommendations to cope with similar education disruption in the future; (iii) drafting the case-study; (iv) review and feedback; (v) finalisation.
AEA staff will be encouraged to be strongly engaged in the process and will work closely with the consultant(s). Embedded into the methodology of this case-study are consultations and interviews with target groups of the project to ensure a participatory process and ensure that their feedback is integrated.
The case-study will be expected to be finalised on the 25th May 2022.
Lines of communication
The consultant will be in direct and regular contact with the Program Coordinator based in Paris and the project managers based in Cambodia and Vietnam respectively.
Ideally, the consultant will be based in the Southeast Asia region to facilitate the visits to the project sites.
Contact Person
Ms. Ines Provoost, Program Coordinator, email
How to apply?
Please submit your application (CV and technical offer) to Email provided in the contact detail by the closing date.