Annual Program Statement for Digital Innovation and Information Fund
- Career Category: Invitation for Bids
- Location: Kandal Province, Kampot Province, Kampong Chhnang Province, Siemreap Province, Battambang Province, Banteay Meanchey Province
What is the Annual Program Statement looking to fund?
The Digital Innovation and Information Fund, in accordance with the third objective of the ISAC project, is seeking to support CSOs, community-based organizations (CBOs), and/or private companies to design and implement new or existing ICT-enabled projects to:
- Adjust and simplify Information for Citizens (I4Cs) to be more user-friendly;
- Improve citizens’ access to information on government planning and decisions as well as public revenue and expenditures in ISAC municipalities mentioned below;
- Raise awareness of citizen rights and service standards, including the direct participation of citizens, CAFs, and CSOs in public outreach and awareness-raising events;
- Enhance transparency and responsiveness in delivery of public services, such as those provided by health centers, schools, and Sangkat administrations in ISAC municipalities;
- Involve a large number of citizens in community scorecard assessments, collective actions, and Joint Accountability Action Plan (JAAP) activities to strengthen local governments’ accountability for delivering public services, such as those provided by health centers, schools, and Sangkat administrations to citizens;
- Enhance local government responsiveness to JAAPs and increase JAAP implementation;
- Enhance capacity of citizens, CAFs, and CSOs to productively engage local governments in improving delivery of public services such as those provided by health centers, schools, and Sangkat administrations;
- Improve relations and trust between citizens and public officials and service providers; and/or
- Raise awareness of accountability and integrity in public administration.